Kavitha, age 35 is a computer engineer. She lost 15kg, 11% fat and 20cm on her waistline while training with the personal training team at Genesis Gym Singapore. Our coaching team helped her overcome an old wrist injury, and gave her the knowledge and confidence to train effectively at any gym anywhere in the world. […]
Stan, age 39, joined Genesis Gym Singapore’s personal training programme for weight loss and to help get rid of his chronic health conditions of high blood pressure and diabetes. After 20 weeks of training at Genesis Gym, he dropped 20kg and lost 20cm of fat from his waistline. Happily, his diabetes markers and blood pressure […]
Melvin Chia
Melvin put on 6kg of muscle in just 3 months with Genesis Gym despite already being an experienced weightlifter. He hadn’t been able to make much progress over the previous few years until he joined Genesis Gym’s personal training for a programme tailored to his specific needs. -‘Genesis Gym’s customised programmes helped my body stay […]
Arulazhakan Ayyavoo
Arul is a Singaporean actor and recently starred in the Tamil series “Kshatriyan”. He only had 11 weeks to get ready for action scenes and a shirtless photoshoot. Talk about pressure! With customised nutrition and training programmes by Genesis, he dropped 10kg of fat and gained 2.5kg of lean muscle during this time. He did […]
Joey Lynn Mussleman is a competitive triathlete who has placed top 10 in the world for the ladies masters division. She came to Genesis Gym to help her stay injury free and perform better in races. The Genesis team helped her recover from a slip disk and knee pain using Genesis Posture Therapy. “Genesis is […]
Hugh Gunn
Hugh, age 54, is the regional director of his company and that means lots of travelling and long days. He had tried many other gyms and trainers over the years but found little results, and would easily stop exercising. However with the help of the Genesis Gym team, he managed to drop 16kg of fat […]