Singapore’s personal training rates vary greatly. They can go from as low as 20 SGD per session for some private gym group classes. To perhaps 100 SGD per session at a commercial gym. And all the way to 250 SGD per session at some private, PT only gyms.
But what is the “correct price”?
Before answering this question, let’s take a look at personal training in Singapore as a business. A personal trainer or a personal training gym is just like any other business. We need to earn money by providing something of value to customers.
Understanding Personal Training Rates in Singapore
With the high cost of living and rental in Singapore, there are only a few business models that will work for personal training gyms. This is because there are some inherent difficulties with personal training as a business.
The first difficulty is that gyms like Genesis, which focus on personal training only, cannot do what commercial gyms like Virgin Active, Fitness First, or Anytime Fitness do…
“We cannot sell gym memberships and hope that clients do NOT come”
Non-active clients are the main revenue source of commercial gyms. You can tell because selling membership packages gives their salespeople the highest commission. More commission than selling personal training packages.
The reason is that personal training clients will be encouraged to come for training, while membership clients rarely show up consistently. This makes the “no-show” members the “ideal” customer! Paying fees, and using zero resources. If all members used the gym often, most gyms would be more crowded than peak hour MRT trains!

The only way a personal training focused gym like Genesis can be successful is by consistently providing enough value, knowledge and results. So that you buy personal training packages. There are no “inactive” members paying us.
The second difficulty is that personal training has, is that it’s not a high income “per square foot” business. The best way to maximize clients per square foot is to pack clients into small areas.
That is why you see treadmills, spin bikes or various group classes marketed heavily in many gyms. It’s not because these are the “best training methods”. It’s because it’s the highest per-sq-ft “business practice”.
Think about how much space it takes to safely do a simple exercise like a pushup. In that same space, you can have 3-4 people working in an office. 2 people using a treadmill, or 6-8 people eating in a restaurant. Not ideal from an income perspective especially in high rent Singapore.
With all this in mind, there are only a few business options for sustainable personal training gyms (without pay-but-don’t-come members).
Groups vs. 1-1 Personal Training
One way is to have generic, group style training. Some examples are most Crossfit gyms, F45, Ritual and a few other gym brands. Prices can be low (20-30SGD per session) – quite affordable. But there is no way to customize the programme in a specific way for each client’s fitness goals, training experience or health conditions.
The other way is to have very high priced 1-1 personal training. This is most PT only gyms and some of the clients at Genesis Gym. Cost will be about 180-250+ SGD/session.
If you get an amazing, world-class coach this can be a good option. But how do you know which coach is good? It can be hard to tell, since most coaches sell the image being young and fit only. This is not always the best indicator of professional excellence.
As many of us middle age and older folk know, it takes more knowledge, habits and skill to stay fit when you pass the 20s and early 30s!
After all, there is no other industry where the young are most likely to be masters of their profession. And the worst part is…you are randomly assigned a coach by the gym manager or sales team.
At this high price, it is reasonable to expect a person with lots of intelligence, awesome communication skills, great motivation ability, 15 years of experience, and lots of education to be your 1 to 1 coach. But that is unlikely as there are few coaches in Singapore – or in the world with that combination of experience, inter-personal skills, intelligence, and knowledge.
The final option is the team-based approach. The top coach designs your customized, individual, fitness, lifestyle and nutrition programmes. Since this is the part of your package that makes the greatest impact on your results. NOT the rep counting of the training session itself.
Under the guidance of the senior coach, the more junior coaches can take care of some of your training sessions.
The Genesis Gym Personal Training Approach
This team-based approach is the system that Genesis Gym has chosen because it allows you to have the most consistent experience. No matter which coach is guiding you through the workouts, there is always a world-class senior coach to make sure your programme and your results are on track.
No need to rely on the “luck” of having an experienced personal trainer assigned to you. No random chance involved!
Another reason this system works best because it is almost impossible to have one person be the best in every aspect of fitness and health. That is why we have a global team with different backgrounds and education available to you.
This team-based approach and consistent coaching standards are what give the greatest confidence and sense of security to you. As well as the best chance to help you achieve long term results that match your lifestyle and goals.

So in the end the correct rate for personal training in Singapore depends on what you value most.
Do you want 1-1 coaching all the time with the best possible coach? That would be more expensive and you won’t know if you got the best possible coach.
If you like the fun atmosphere of group classes, that can be cheaper but it’s not possible to have highly customized programmes in this setting.
Then there is the team-based Genesis Gym model. Our model has been constantly refined and has proven itself over the past 15 years. It has also served clients well through over 1 million hours of personal training sessions at Genesis Gym.
It combines client education, empowering life skills, customized exercise, nutrition and lifestyle programmes with team-based coaching to give you the most consistent service and results of any gym in Singapore.
To find out more about how Genesis Gym’s team of Singapore personal trainers can help you achieve awesome results, even if you have struggled in the past, check out our midlife-makeover or body transformation programmes. Or see some of our client success stories.
Or simply contact us through whatsapp (Click the icon), phone +6593374188, or email [email protected]